While Studying


What modules are available? How many do you need to complete during the program? Are you interested in doing research during your studies? Here you can find the answers to these and more questions that might arise during your studies.

Program Curriculum


The Master of Science WASTE starts every winter term (October) and is designed to be completed within four semesters. The program comprises Compulsory Modules along with an extensive selection of Elective Modules, which could include a Student Research Project or an Industrial Internship. Depending on German proficiency, students must also participate in German courses or Key Qualifications offered at the University.

A total of 120 ECTS credit points have to be completed to be granted the M.Sc. Degree. Hence, completing an average of 30 ECTS credits per semester is highly recommended. ECTS credit points are the “Common Currency” for the study program modules. The Europe-wide point system allows comparisons of study programs and degrees.


Specialized areas

During the course of the program, students choose based on their individual interests among the following specialization areas:

  • Air Quality Control
  • Solid Waste Process Engineering
  • Waste Water Process Engineering

Each area requires 18 ECTS credits to complete and consists on a mandatory Core module (6 ECTS), a Practical Work module (3 ECTS) and two Elective modules (6 ECTS and 3 ECTS, respectively). Alternatively, the 3 ECTS modules can be replaced by an Industrial Internship. You can find detailed information about the Core and Elective modules in the Module Handbook.


Specialized areas M.Sc. WASTE
Specialized areas M.Sc. WASTE

Frequently Asked Questions

Is there something else not covered here that you would like to know about? You can find a list answers to the most common questions in the following link:


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